Thursday, July 2, 2009

Best I Ever Had = FAIL

I like Drake as much as the next person, but we gots to do better. I caught a glimpse of "Best I Ever Had" video, and regretted ever clicking the play button.

THE VERDICT: I hate it. Too much flying boobies. As a woman, I do not want to see another woman's breasts all up in my face. I was disgusted. And I am surprised at Kanye for creating such a disgraceful video. He's usually artistic. I don't like this one bit. And it doesn't help that the other team was full of tall girls that were less attractive. I was offended. Love the song still. I can do without the video.

What do yall think about it?

4 People Listening:

Lynnie said...

That was pretty bad. Not what I expected at all. The concept doesn't even fit the song! To me anywayz...

Good post.

Brittluvbug said...

I agree with you....this video is a HOT MESS IN DISTRESS...LOL! I really don't see what the video even had to do with the song...I know your supposed to be creative with your videos and all, but..... This was just done so tasteless. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the song was giving props for being a good woman, but this video with boobies jumping all around was very disrespectful.

Treyz_CaliGurl said... was a hott ass mess..the onlii thing i liked was the 2 seconds i got to peep my bae,

manie01 said...

two words: HATED IT.....not a good look at all...Kanye man what were you thinking???

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