Friday, August 28, 2009

Throwback Friday

Finding out that not alot of people are "listening" then I guess I'm gonna post this one for me. Throwback Friday 90s Rock edition :P

One of my faves especially when the guitar solo comes on. GEEZ! This song isn't a 90s song, it came out in 2000, but this is a 90s group. And I've always thought this video was cool so. . .

I've always been a fan of LinkinPark since the jump. It was something about their sound and the forbidden feeling I got when I seen their first video. It screamed HELL NO SABRINA, but I listened anyway. The first rock group I was ever exposed to.

Of course how could I forget this! It's Nirvana dammit.

Might not be considered rock, but I'll be damned if I didn't say the chorus stuck with me for a decade. Thats prolly the only part of the song I know and can recognize.

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