Saturday, November 21, 2009

Poem | by Me

Poor Kitty, Kitty

A glossy, four-leaf clover dangled from my chain,
even though my luck has been shitty.
With it, I have everything to lose and nothing to gain.
To make matters worse, my name is Kitty.
My name is like knocking over a chessboard yelling “Checkmate!”
Knowing that you lost, loser, my face burns red with rage,
while drinking flat soda, using myself as someone else’s doormat,
lost in myself, not feeling anything close to my age,
wishing the buzzing in my ears would die.
Already my position is compromised,
paranoid, waving my hands, trying to swat an invisible fly.
Or is it a fly, either way it’s all a part of my daily exercise,
the little I manage to obtain.
And just my luck, no one is there nor do they care when I complain.

Dictating Light

My brand new lamp sits pretty on my table.
I turn it on. Two seconds later it’s broken.
FALSE ALARM! It’s just unplugged.
Wait, no, the cord is still in the socket.
I secured it in the wall and the light starts to flicker
Next thing I hear is a pop
Go figure, my room is dark once again
Then it flickers back to life
UGH! It’s off again.
It’s on again. That’s funny, I have a bipolar lamp.
Maybe if I jiggle the light bulb, it still doesn’t work
Glass lemons.

1 People Listening:

EvoL_1 said...

lmaooo I love the Dictating Light 1!!Itz soo u!!I sounds like u took ur bi-polar ttwitter tweets n made a poem!!lmaoo I love it!"It’s on again. That’s funny, I have a bipolar lamp."<=My fav line then the Stewie DAMN YOU! at the end...priceless

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