Saturday, November 21, 2009

Captains Log Stardate: 11212009

Hello all, Optimus here! So I've realized that I've been neglecting the blog TREMENDOUSLY. My blog is so scarce that my log in window is full of cobwebs and tumbleweeds. I apologize, really I do. I know that I still have a handful of loyals who depend on my blog 12.5 percent of the time they are on the internet because they know I will yell at them if they don't click the link. What's been holding me up from posting you ask? Well I've been focused on my story writing. I'm on part six if you don't know. Also I've had to attend school functions and I've been sleeping heavily this week so o_O. But I'm trying. I mean school is almost over. I'll have all the time in the world to blog. Plus I have nothing to blog about. This is primarily a music blog and as of lately I haven't came across any new music that I like and would like to share with you all. Maybe I should try harder. If anything, I owe you guys a daily Song of the Day post. That requires little effort to find. Right? Right! But back to our regularly scheduled programing.

Sincerely yours,

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