Friday, January 29, 2010

They are ... DOPE!!!!

What is you ask? The genius of Fanny Pak, you know the group that was on ABDC before it turned into complete and utter bullshit. The episodes that inspired me to dream of being a dancer even though i can't dance. So a li'l while ago, i was going on a search of choreography just because I felt like it. And I came across a few clips of my beloved Fanny Pak and spent hours on various youtube channels watching everything Fanny Pak.

So I'm just gonna post a few of the videos I favorited.

I loved the drop at 0:15 ... that is called dedication cause it looked like it hurt. Well it would certainly hurt me.

Fanny Pak isn't in this, but their choreographer, Matt Cady, put this piece together and OMG I AM IN LOVE. With the dance and the song.

Beau, right w/ red shorts, one of my favs.

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