I seriously wish I knew how to play the guitar because of this song. Can you hear the lead? GEEZ! Man . . .
@ 2:59 that is the most evil guitar sound I've ever heard. I didn't even know it could sound like that. Just evil. LOL.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Song Of The Day
Posted by Anomaly at 12:00 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Throwback Friday
Finding out that not alot of people are "listening" then I guess I'm gonna post this one for me. Throwback Friday 90s Rock edition :P
One of my faves especially when the guitar solo comes on. GEEZ! This song isn't a 90s song, it came out in 2000, but this is a 90s group. And I've always thought this video was cool so. . .
I've always been a fan of LinkinPark since the jump. It was something about their sound and the forbidden feeling I got when I seen their first video. It screamed HELL NO SABRINA, but I listened anyway. The first rock group I was ever exposed to.
Of course how could I forget this! It's Nirvana dammit.
Might not be considered rock, but I'll be damned if I didn't say the chorus stuck with me for a decade. Thats prolly the only part of the song I know and can recognize.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:28 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Throwback Friday
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Because I Must ...
explain this to you all, YET AGAIN ..smh. I know not all of you are slow pokes, but as for the rest <_<. Yall need help. LOL. It's all love tho. So anyway, I'm finna explain this Operation Smiley Face Yearbook to yall on behalf of my partner in crime, Briittneebee. I know some people have been hitting her up with THE WACKNESS cause some don't understand STILL. smh. But I'm gonna ABC-it for all of you guys. And if you can't get this, God help you. You're on your own. Sorry.
The email - opsf@ymail.com, yes its Ymail not Gmail DETAILS PEOPLE, WE HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS.
AND Plz people do not ask about Trey, if you're regular TTU then you know not to ask, but as for the "new people" Trey has nothing to do with this so leave his name out of the email. And don't count on Trey seeing this. This is not for him, this is for Troy only. What he wish to do with it afterwards is on him.
The look - White wall, no grapics, just you in the pic with the L's beside your face, and please smile 4FS (for fucks sake--thats from Kid Cudi) make your picture look like the 1's in the yearbook
Try not to DM Britt a yearbook question that can be answered in an @ message. "I'll make a list of pics i get, try not to ask me if i got yours or not." She's a busy woman, no need to overwhelm her.
Lastly ..make sure you put your real name and your twitter name. VERY IMPORTANTE!
Get it, got it, good :) Then we have no problems. It's a simple thing my people, do not make this difficult. Don't be complicated. Just take a deep breath, smile for the camera and send.
Plz and thank you.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:45 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Random I Know
Photoshop Me | Pic of the Week
Yesterday I learned how to make pictures look like scenes from a movie. This has to be the best tutorial I've come across thus far. I just love the look of this picture. I wish I could show yall the link of the picture they used in the tutorial. Pretty nice, but I lost the link. But either way, above is my ending result. Going in my list of faves.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:42 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Photoshop
Poem | by Me
**i based this one off of a painting that i saw. I had to interpret it in my own way. The only thing I remember about the painting was that it was of a tree and someone standing in front of it, I think hugging it. idk. **
There comes a time when one must let go
Moving one step forward
Going out on my own
The time is getting closer
I knew this day would come
But I still don't want to let go
Of this safe place I call home
It's all I know
It's my tree
The trunk, my house
The branches, my family
I hold on for dear life
To protect what's left of me
It's my tree
A stationary object
In a place that is suppose to be safe
But it's breaking apart
Uprooting its self
Leaving, going away
But I wish to stay here
Holding onto a life that's out growing me
In a place that's changing without me....
Posted by Anomaly at 5:39 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Creative Writing
Song Of The Day
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this song. Too bad the version I got on my iPod cuts off at the end leaving me hanging. SMH. I gotta find it again. The right version.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:30 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
LOL Moment
courtesy of Young, Black, and Fabulous
They arrived separately but we all know the damn deal by now. Cassie was spotted arriving to Madison Square Garden last night for the Britney Spears Circus concert. And of course, her booty buddy fellow post-sex turkey sandwich lover Diddy came totting along right after
I find that frickin hilarious.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:20 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Funny Funny
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
For The Record | FeFe Dobson
I wonder . . .
So FeFe Dobson recently did a interview with Honeymagazine (a place I would like to work for). She talks about her new album, love, disappointments, and Rihanna.
That’s my point. The image thing — to go so extreme, from dancehall reggae queen girl to cool, punky, rocker-chick. People say Rihanna bit your style.
I mean, for sure I question that, but who wouldn’t. She is supposedly a fan of mine. I try to take it as a compliment. It gets a little much when she starts getting the same tattoos as me but overall I just want people to separate the image and listen to the music. It’s about the music. Its like Prince and Michael Jackson, totally different artists. Or its like Kanye West and Jay-Z. So what? They are both black men, they sound different. So they both wear jeans, they are different. And why would you want the same type of artist?
People are definitely an image comparison.
To me, dressing in like expression. You don’t have to be crazy or whatever. Just wear whatever you want to wear.
I think you can tell when it’s contrived and when it’s authentic.
I agree. I do have to say one thing though, her songs are well written. I know Ne-Yo writes some stuff and he is an amazing writer but we’re just different.
Check out the full interview at Honeymag.com

Posted by Anomaly at 1:13 PM 2 People Listening
My WTF Moments of the Day
I did not know that Kevin Federline was fat. I never cared about him but got damn.
(Via MissJia) Um WTF! Who ... what? Huh? Gary Dourdan the best looking dude on CSI, walking the streets looking like this? -passes out- Who told him that dying his hair was cool, or wearing a v-neck of that nature and a frickin scarf! WTF. And its scary that his girlfriend (the lady next to him) let him go out like that without question. Woooo this is not right at all. SMH. Guys dying their hair to something lighter has never seemed cool to me. Just doesn't sit right. I can see if u had grey hairs and u dye it black to cover it. Black, dark brown whatever. They are acceptable colors on a man. But if your hair isn't natually light by birth right, then there is no need for any man to dye their hair a lighter color. That is a no no.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:02 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Bafoonery
Geesh x 2
Why is Trey Songz "Wonder Woman" so hard to find on the net? And why is iTunes being an idiot for not having that video up. I requested it 349493036443 times already. They never listen. And I was beginning to think that this has become some sorta underground video. Geesh. I had downloaded it from somewhere, but the quality was sh*t so I deleted it. I had no other choice, but to just wait until it became available to me. Did yall also know that Yahoo! doesn't have the video either! SMH. This is ridiculous. I demand some type of action. This is not cool. I gotta go to the edge of the earth to find the video. Terrible. But thanks to my peeps, we collectively found it courtesy of Atlantic Records.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:19 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Music Video, Trey Songz Corner
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Interviews | Trey Songz
Trey talks about the new album Ready. It's actually a preview of the album but the songs are not included in the video. If so I wouldn't have shared it with yall.
This interviewer, to me, seem very fidgety. Why did he have to keep looking at the camera? To see if it was still there? smh. Makes me want to become an interviewer even more to do the job right. Oh well, I can't always win obviously.
All vids courtesy of gowherehiphop.com and treysongz.com
Posted by Anomaly at 9:46 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Song Of The Day
My favorite song EVER.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:49 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
In Dedication . . .
Since I'm not all in the best mood to talk about death and say R.I.P. to Aaliyah (family health issues that had me all upset yesterday) I will not talk about that. I'm just gonna share with yall, a few of my favorite songs by her. She was actually the first female artist that I was truly a fan of when I was younger. I can damn sure tell ya what I was doing the night she went away, but I won't. Don't like to remember sad things.
Off the DVD that I got with her last CD.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:41 AM 1 People Listening
Category: Music Video
New Vid | Asher Roth
I would like to say for the record, I like a few of Asher's songs. Sure in the past he had a li'l slick mouth and people caught it and misinterpreted it, but I can be forgiving. But he just released a video for "She Just Wants To Dance" and I've always liked this song. Didn't know that Keri Hilson was on the hook. Just didn't sound like her to me when I first heard the song. She wasn't the first person to come to mind when I heard the voice.
::The Verdict:: Over all I like the video. Its basically what I expected for a song like this. And the song is cute to me. I have felt that way. People trying to catch feelings in the club. Not happening boo. I came to the club for one purpose. To dance.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:34 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Music Video
Monday, August 24, 2009
Okay Now!
Just wanted to share this little video with you all, I got a li'l laugh out of it. More shock and awe, but I did still laugh.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:47 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Cool
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I'm Sold!
..on the song and the concept of the videos that I have chosen below. Its a mixture of visual and what you hear that makes a video effective to me. And I find all three of these videos effective in the message or emotion they are trying to draw out of you. I just love it!
Posted by Anomaly at 3:34 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Music Video
Song Of The Day
Tweet - Drunk
My favorite song off of her album. There's no disputing it.
Got a five in my pocket
Wanna buy me some gin
A drop of gas in my tank let me think it over again, mmm
Cause I'd rather be drunk and drive away from here
Than to be sober, so sober yea
No friends comin thru
I think I've lost them all
No man to take there place
So I decided to make this call, whoa ho
That I'd rather be drunk on a cloud away from here
I don't wanna be sober, no not sober yea
Broke and alone nowhere to go
And loneliness is hurting me so
Broke and alone, nowhere to go
And loneliness and hurting so
One stog left to light
I think I'll smoke just a half
By the time I finish this drink
I'll roll the last of the grass, yea hey
Cause I'd rather feel pumped
Than to drown in my tears
That'll help me peel over, sleep the night over yea hey
Yeah, yeah, yea yea
[windy voice]
Oh I could've swore oh
Sober, sober, sober
And lonliness is killing me slow
Broke and alone, whoo boy, what ever
Did I drink too much
Cause the road is all lop-sided
I only drove a small way
I thought I swore not to take this ride, yea hey
Now my air's being pumped
And I'm drenched in my tears Oh
I don't wanna peel over
Just wanna be sober yea, oooh
Why I had to go
Killing me slow, slow
I wish I could have listened to my conscience
And not drunk a drip
I wouldn't be here in so many pieces
I shouldn't have drank a sip
the bold part is my favorite part of the song.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:20 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Dwele - Weekend Love
Amel Larrieux - For Real
Goapele - Battle Of The Heart
Maxwell - Whenever Wherever Whatever
Posted by Anomaly at 2:56 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Neo-Sunday
Saturday, August 22, 2009
New Sounds | Chris Brown
Finally a new song from him that I actually like. UGH! I've been waiting for a good sounding song coming from his direction.
Posted by Anomaly at 2:11 PM 1 People Listening
Category: New Music
New Vid | Mya
I heard this song a li'l while ago. Thought it was okay. A different direction for Mya, but it is a mixtape so I kinda expected this sound. I still would really like to know when her mixtape is coming out so I can get it, but if I gotta pay then I won't be in a rush to get it. You know. But either way, its Mya. I love her regardless.
Posted by Anomaly at 2:00 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Music Video
Style Me
As suggested by @itselii
@itselii: @thinkin_ONPAPER you can call it "swagger Saturdays" & blog about certain types of clothes u may like?
So guess what? If I'm able to do this every Saturday, then I'll keep it up. Thought the idea was pretty cool. Even tho I don't think I have great fashion sense. Oh well f*ck it.
This is Sabrina's stock style 101

a. Plaid button ups. Even if this wasn't a trend, I probably would still wear these like there's no tomorrow. Why? The f*ck if I know. I'm just attracted to the bishes. No explanation needed. And those two colors in particular might be my theme for the semester. Cool colors and black. Blues, purples, and all those what nots. Btw, don't that second shirt look like that shirt Trey had on that one time. I had my eye on that shirt for months, and then he come outta nowhere with something similar. SMH. I ain't mad tho.
b. I like shirts with words on them plain and simple. I don't go for just any ol' shirts. Its very calculated. The message has to hit me, whatever it is. And it has to look like someone hand written it or hand drew it on to the shirt. AH I love it. Especially these two shirts. The yellow one is my fav. "Never Judge a Book By Its Cover." Niceeeee. Plus I do to go to Hot Topic a lot to look for graphic tee's too. You know, the supermans and the rockbands stuff.
c. As you can see, Skinny Jeans. I know a lot of people are against these, but after my discovery of them late last year, I haven't turned back since. I mean sure wide legs are cool, just never done anything for my legs. I mean I don't like to go barelegged anyway so wearing skinny jeans is close to it. Plus they are easier to wear when I'm wearing boots. I can just stick them inside of them and keep it moving. Mainly because of the fact that if my pant length comes up a little short, instead of being embarrassed bout it like i was in middle school, I could just hide it all. My legs are like super long so I can only order jeans from catalog -hint- 37". The longest length they can create available to the masses. So you know. I'm a lil subconscious about things when it comes to my jeans, but with skinny jeans I find a happy medium.
d. My safe shoes. Converses. I'm not a tennis shoe person. I don't know two shits about name brand tennis shoes because I can't afford them. Which is why I've come to love Converses. So easy to wear. Goes with anything. I gotten over the fact that my feet are a size 10. Who gives a f*ck? Not me anymore. BONG! So I am cool with my long ass Chucks. And they are better in black because I can wear more clothes with it. Lookie here. I don't have much money so I get one pair of Chucks and match everything I will ever buy for that year of school to match them. That's why I wear a lot of black. It just makes everything easier when you have no money.
e.HOOPS. The only earrings I wear on the regular. Not the small kinds. I wear 'em big cause I got to. Small ears, can't have small jewelry. That's what I say. I usually have some unique pieces tho. Odd shaped earrings. Different looking stuff besides my hoops. Leaving some asking where did I get them from. Can you guess where? Uh duh! Claires. Can't afford all that other sh*t.
I'm just saying. I work with what I'm given and try to keep it as long as I can.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:47 AM 1 People Listening
Category: Sidenote
Friday, August 21, 2009
Speaking of Trey . . .
Posted by Anomaly at 9:10 PM 7 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
New Vid | Day 26 "So Good"
Why do I so wish Trey would recreate Willie's scene on this video minus the girl. Just him. D'Angelo style. BONG!
Sorry. I'm just saying.
Posted by Anomaly at 9:06 PM 3 People Listening
Category: Music Video
One Hit Wonders
Not saying that these songs were hits. Yall may have never heard of them before, but these three choices were my faves. Too bad they fell waaaay under the radar and never recovered after the first video and album.
I loved this song, came out back in 2003 when I use to record music videos. This was part of that video collection. It was a song that wasn't played on TV much but once MIDNIGHT LOVE came on. SHORTY! I WAS ON IT! Had my finger ready on the record button to catch this song.
Same issue different song. Midnight Love was that ish. Too bad BET was stupid enough to get rid of it.
I have this album and listen to it still. Took me a while to find it in stores, but there are some underground music stores that sell it. AND I LOVE THEM FOR IT.
Come to think of it. All of these songs came out in 2003. LOL. Man, BET and I back in 2003 couldn't be separated. Where did we go wrong? Oh that's right, when BET started acting like MTV. smh. Too bad.
Thank goodness Yahoo! had these videos. It's nice to see them again.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:16 AM 2 People Listening
Category: Music Video
Song Of The Day
His voice on this song gives me chills man. Ice cold chills. Its hard not to get wrapped up into this song. With or without the video it still have the same affect on me.
Posted by Anomaly at 12:58 AM 1 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
ThrowBack Fridays
90s Group Edition...
just to scratch the surface . . .
Posted by Anomaly at 12:43 AM 1 People Listening
Category: Throwback Friday
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Poem | Fate
This is a oldie but goodie from yours truly. MEEEEEE!! Enjoy
Standing here in a trance like state
All of my insanity evades me
I refuse to wrap my mind around the meaning of fate
How can goodbye create
Unequal opportunities, nothing is done fairly
Too many actions are being taken, too much to contemplate
With every intent to suffocate
These horrid thoughts spread contagiously
Why am I still holding on, this is not my fate
I'll perish in the life of repetitiveness, my guilt becomes deadweight
This place, these words, these faces are unhealthy
There is no reason for me to contemplate
I wish not to complicate
The course of my future in relation to my history
Because of this meaningless word called fate
Nothing is written in stone I want to let go, it's not too late
This illusion of safety
No longer exist but here I stand in a trance like state
Holding on, pondering the significance of this word called fate.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:52 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Creative Writing
"I Dream Of Trey"
I was just so frustrated with photoshop yesterday that I just did something. I am sucha amateur.
Posted by Anomaly at 7:45 PM 4 People Listening
Category: Photoshop
Song Of The Day
I was searching through the iTunes store for some new ish. A while ago, iTunes use to be on it when it came to hot new R&B music, but they fell waaay off lately. Because of that, for the past 2 months I stopped searching. Well Tuesday, I'm glad I went back to searching or I wouldn't have found this gem of a song. I know a lil something about As Tall As Lions thanks to my bff William, so I saw that they had a new album out. I clicked on the thumbnail and double click the first song sample. F*CKING LOVED IT! I didn't even hear the whole song and I loved it. Something about the beat just sucked me in and I haven't looked back since. So the song I'm gonna share with you all is the song I first fell in love with.
As Tall As Lions - Circles
Posted by Anomaly at 7:39 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
WTF is up with me posting all videos today??
But anyway, I just checked out Trey's roadie youtube page and found this video very funny.
I was hoping that ninja buss his ass too. LOL.
And I still love this one..
Posted by Anomaly at 7:36 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Creative Thursdays
BACK IN ACTION!! I don't know why I keep forgetting to do this. But here's my pick for today.
I just love this video cause I can imagine P!nk doing this. And it actually inspired me to write something about it in my story. I love the whole crazy look and Misery shout out with her own twist to it. NICEEEEE (fabolous voice)
Posted by Anomaly at 7:28 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Music Video
New Vid | Jamie Foxx
I never liked this song from the beginning, so I don't know how I feel about this . . .
The Verdict :: I like the colors? Does that count??
Posted by Anomaly at 7:20 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Music Video
New Vid | Jay-z, Rihanna & Kanye West
Now that I listen to this song on my headphones, I like the beat. Do I like Rihanna's voice on it? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But Jay-z and Ye were aight. I might have to get this song, the beat is a winner for me.
The Verdict :: Um, what as they going for? Some Mad Max type of end of the world but lets rebuild type of sh*t? -shrugs-
How yall feel about this?
Posted by Anomaly at 7:16 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Music Video
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Song Of The Day
The song of the day is brought to you by the CDs of yesterday that I still listen to. These CDs of course are Mya "Moodring" and Amerie "All I Have." So this is a double shot of memories. YIPPIE!!
Love, Love, Love these songs!!!
Posted by Anomaly at 6:05 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
New Sounds | Nivea & Trina
♫Nivea - Look Back (download)
♫Trina - That's My Attitude (download)
Posted by Anomaly at 5:45 PM 3 People Listening
Interview | Drake
Can I say that I love the way he speaks and the sound of his voice. So official.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:35 PM 2 People Listening
And So He Speaks . . .
This comes from necolebitchie.com . . .
On Whether He Would Respond to Trey Songz
If you’re a true king, you don’t get into challenges…you get to a status in life where you don’t ever have to throw another punch. What is an elephant supposed to do when an ant or a fly lands on you? Those guys have some growing up to do…I would have answered [that diss] 20 years ago…but not now.”
My thoughts::
What the f*ck is R. Kelly talking about with that elephant sh*t? This comes from a man who never made sense to me whenever he speaks. He needs to go lay down. If he was smart enough, before answering and making himself look like an ass, he would've known that the song was not a clear diss. It was a track that shows Trey's disappointment in him. GAH!!! PEOPLE THESE DAYS!! They never listen. They act on non-facts. And its sad. Thats why there are so many misunderstanding out in the world today. That is why so much violence goes on in the world today because people do not know what the f*ck they reacting to. They just react without thinking. I am a fan of R. Kelly's music, but I am NOT a fan of him. There are two levels of being a fan. That's just my theory.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:10 PM 5 People Listening
Category: Bafoonery
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Vid | P!nk "Funhouse"
Actually this video has been out for a lil while, I just found it on iTunes and LOVED IT! I told yall I like dark things. And this video is pretty twisted looking. All dirty. And there's fire. YIPPIE. Never heard this song before. Sad that I don't have her album. Maybe I'll get it around Christmas. Hmm...
Posted by Anomaly at 6:48 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Music Video
Interesting Read | Honeymagazine.com
To any girl who’s ever pinched her more than existent nonexistent muffin fat, wanted big boobs over big brains, thought I was way prettier than my hood pass Christie, or decapitated all of my clones, this is for you:
2009 marks my 50th year of perfect existence and I want out. Since ’59 I’ve fooled you all into thinking my milky skin would never spoil your standards of unattainable beauty. But with Sasha and Malia Obama prancing about like unicorns of international gorgeousness, how can I compete? And now Vogue Italia has those pliant black dolls on their cover as if I don’t exist. Damn integration. I knew that So In Style line was a bad move and I should’ve kept those girls in xenophobic-friendly headgear. Don’t even get me started on the AKA doll!! 2007 was a rough year.
Its a very creative and interesting letter that I think yall should check out. We have to support good creativity. Follow the link above. BTW that picture was the main reason why I clicked on the link. I love that picture. So dark.
Posted by Anomaly at 4:46 PM 2 People Listening
Song Of The Day
The song(s) of today are brought to you by my love of the movie Watchmen, forget what yall say. Despite the nekkid blue guy, wit his peen all out there, and the extensive talking, I still liked the movie. Very well portrayed if I do say so myself. Very dark artistic work. Anyways ...
Smashing Pumpkins - The End Is The Beginning Is The End
This sounds very, deconstructed in a great way. To me it begins all together and slowly its being picked apart until its reduced to nothing towards the end of the song. LOL. Or maybe I'm the only one who hears that.
Muse - Take A Bow
I love the both of these songs. Can listen to them on repeat for days. Yall just don't know. These songs actually made me wanna see the movie even more. I don't think these songs were in the movie, but hell I was sold when they played these two songs on both versions of the previews. FYI: The Muse song is very political. If you search them on Youtube you can see the actual video for the song. Very propaganda oriented. Very 50s 60s war era'd. You'll see.
Posted by Anomaly at 2:04 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Interview & PICS | Treysongz.com
In case you missed it cause I damn sure did. I just went to Trey's website cause lord knows the last time I been on there was concerning the pre-order that day it was first released. SORRY. BAD FAN! -smacks my own hand-
If this isn't a sign that you should read, then I don't know what is. Shouldn't seeing Trey with a book be enough to make you go out and get one. Encourage one to encourage another to read a book. *MESSAGE* I'm just saying. Not a lot of us like to read. Use that ability you have.
Posted by Anomaly at 12:02 AM 9 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Monday, August 17, 2009
Spoiled Are We :)
Trey Songz - Obsessed (Loser)
"You a loser tho.." BONG! LOVE IT lol.
Them heart beats. LOL. Crack me up.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:18 PM 4 People Listening
Category: Music, Trey Songz Corner
Vid | F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S feat. Jay-Z
Sorry but that's the only way I can spell it out without messing his name up. LOL.
THE VERDICT:: Too many um's in the beginning of the video. LOL. But despite that I like the song and the video. NUFF SAID.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:19 PM 4 People Listening
Category: Music Video
New Mya
So I heard and now I see that Mya has a new mixtape coming out. At least she's doing something. I can't wait for an official album. I'm still rocking Moodring like its brand new. But at any rate ... can someone let me know when this mixtape is relased so I can get it? Please and thank you :)
Posted by Anomaly at 5:16 PM 2 People Listening
She Who Reads Always Suggests
Paralegal Finley Anderson Tanner (F.A.T. to her enemies) knows a good deal when she sees one, but a raw deal is a different matter…
Finley knows it can’t be good news when someone knocks on her door at 5:40 a.m.. Her hunch proves correct. Finley’s pal Jane is hysterical and clad only in a negligee. It all started when Jane went out on a blind date the previous night with a hunk named Paolo—and ended when she woke up next to his corpse. Finley knows Jane wouldn't hurt a fly, especially one with a zipper. Too bad the police don't agree...
Finley needs to post bail and hire an attorney for Jane. But with most of her cash tied up in credit card debt, she has to do the unthinkable: hit her mother up for money. As if thawing out the Ice Queen isn't hard enough, there's the unthinkable, part II: resisting McGarrity. Yes, dangerously sexy P.I. Liam McGarrity has offered his services...for a discounted rate. To prove her theory that Jane and Paolo were drugged by the real killer, Finley will have to buckle down and work with Liam. She’ll just have to remind herself that she already has the perfect boyfriend in her FedEx pilot Patrick...
::My Thoughts::
After a long hiatus from reading (since April maybe), I finally sat my ass down and picked up a book. I wish Twitter didn't happen to me because I would've blew through 10 books this summer. I usta be a beast when it came to reading. UGH! WHAT HAPPENED!! But at any rate, I picked up this book because one of my favorite authors suggested that I should read it. The books I tend to read nowadays have a formula. Murder, Adventure, Guns, Strange/Mysterious love, Sex, Foolishness, and Sexy Cops. BONG! That's what I read. And this book had all of that except the Sex ... BOO! I mean there were almost moments, but whatever. I still liked the book tho. I took alot of notes from it, you know, notes to make me a better writer. This book happens to have very particular characters and their specific traits were very well written. I liked the whole set up, the details, the actions, the anticipation...everything. And it had funny moments. I appreciate books that can make me laugh on a bus and have people looking at me like I'm crazy. I love that.
Well this story has a classic damsel in distress formula. It pisses me off. The female is always getting in trouble. She always make stupid mistakes. Says stupid things at times. Sure it adds to the rising action and the plot, but COME ON! Let the woman do at least one thing that involves a gun. That's how I write. The woman can have her weak moments, but she can handle herself. She can have moments when she seriously needs help, but damn. Give the woman enough rope to hang herself with and whatever actions she make will help move things along.
But you can't always get what you want. And I'm okay with that. I still find this book a good read. Sure you may need a dictionary to look up some words, but whats the point of reading if your not learning at the same time. Open your mind people.
You can pick up this book from any book store. 6.99 is cheap. Always go for paperback books, they are always cheap. Hell you can get it for free at your local library. The point is to just read. It's fun. You'll like it. I promise you. :)
P.S. this is part two in a series and I had no idea so I'm picking up the first book KNOCK OFF today.
::Edit:: I'm currently pissed at the moment. Just finished the last chapter. This book had the potential to jack up the action, but the author copped out.I am severely disappointed. I liked everything leading up to the last chapter and was let down. The anticipation was there, the ending wasn't executed right. There were so many things that could've happened, there were so much action that could have been added but wasn't. -sigh- You can't just build me up like that and leave me hanging. Hope part three ends better. SHIT!
Posted by Anomaly at 3:54 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Fiction
Song Of The Day
I'm gonna hit yall with two songs just because I want to. :P
They are both come from whatever genre they are in but aren't seen as mainstream musical acts. You gotta here from somebody, who knows somebody, who listens to their music. Then one day you magically trip right onto YouTube and discover HAY I LIKE THIS TYPE OF MUSIC. THIS IS NICEEE.
Okay so here you go.
Kid Cudi - Mr. Solo Dolo
Santogold - Lights Out
Posted by Anomaly at 3:41 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
New Sounds | Cassie
♫Cassie - I Need Love (download)
I like this song. If she keeps making music like this without Diddy on the track, I'm bound to like it. Diddy is just a no no with whatever he does. Sing ... rap. Whatever he calls it. I don't like it.
This song gets two thumbs up from me.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:24 PM 2 People Listening
Listing | Trey Trax
2. Neighbors Know My Name
3. I Invented Sex (feat. Drake)
4. I Need A Girl
5. One Love
6. Does He Do It
7. Say Aah
8. LOL:-) (feat. Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em)
9. Ready To Make Luv
10. Jupiter Love
11. Be Where You Are
12. Successful (feat. Drake)
13. Black Roses
14. Love Lost
15. Hollalude
16. Holla If You Need Me
17. Yo Side Of The Bed
Posted by Anomaly at 2:48 PM 6 People Listening
Category: Music
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Song Of The Day
I just discovered that I use to love this song by Heather Headley "Losing You." Man before the Trey mania, I use to listen to alot of people. Now I can barely fit them on my iPod. The 8 gbs isn't working for me. Once I get my rebate check later this year, I hope to get a new iPod that can hold more music.
This use to be my anthem when the CD came out. Good sh*t.
Posted by Anomaly at 2:37 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
This is gonna be a female filled Sunday. I'll work on the guys next week tho. Promise. The only reason why I wanted to double up two weeks in a row is because of what I was listening to before I fell asleep. Vivian Green's first album. Yes! That CD is the sh*t if I do say so myself. I played the hell out of that CD, which is why it no longer works. Scratches and whatnots all over it. Actually on my iPod you can clearly hear how messed up it is. Sounds all robotic towards the end of the CD. And I felt sad about it. That CD is a total dejavu feeling. When I listen to a song, I'm taken back to a moment years ago when I first listened to the song. Amazing isn't it? That's what her music, or just music in general, good music, does to me. I use to play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and I always had my own radio on blasting her music. LOL.
The good ol' days.
Vivian Green - What Is Love
Jill Scott - Show Me
(another CD I played all the time. It's pretty messed up too :( ..)
Corinne Bailey Rae - Trouble Sleeping (idk what she's considered but I'll include her in this section)
Posted by Anomaly at 2:18 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Neo-Sunday
My Lovelies, again
I think i done watched every Youtubey video Electrik Red has ever come out with. I'm a fan. There's nothing anyone can say bad about them that'll make me change my mind. I'd just direct you to youtube and tell you to watch their personality filled videos. That's how they won me over before the CD was released back in May. Now I absolutely love them.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:51 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Electrik Red Corner
Friday, August 14, 2009
New leak from Trey Songz. Apparently it's not going to be on Ready, but its a nice song tho.
Trey Songz - Play House Download
I think I wanna play house now. Hell a game of simon says is sounding pretty good to me right now.
-cough- yall didn't just see that. I had a moment. -sobering sigh- I'm better now. :)
Posted by Anomaly at 11:22 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Music, Trey Songz Corner
Song Of The Day
Linkin Park - Little Things Give You Away
P.S. if you really listen to the lyrics, you'll know that he's talking about Hurricane Katrina and the government reaction to it (i.e. Bush being the president at the time).
Posted by Anomaly at 3:12 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
"One In A Million"
"4 Page Letter"
"The One I Gave My Heart To"
"Journey To The Past"
"We Need A Resolution"
Posted by Anomaly at 3:06 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Throwback Friday
Posted by Anomaly at 2:50 PM 2 People Listening
Category: Bafoonery
Geesh ::Authors Log:: Star date ...blah yada blah
Well damn (Gucci Voice) took me forever and a day to figure out the proper coding for this blogger thing. XTML is not my thing at all. I'm horrible at reading it. And I had the nerve to want a self-made banner on here. WTF SABRINA. I started the project around 12 am est. time, and I'm just finishing ... btw its 5:53 a.m. Yes I know WTF! But I was determined. I put everything aside to make this blog look 10% better. Good grief, what a job that was.
But anyway ... I wanted to make a musical banner since this is technically a music blog, all I write about is music. So I took the time out to find some pics of some of my favorite artist -which by the way was trouble in its self. I was so wrapped up in Trey's world that I forgot that I do have other favorite artist. It just took me a while to figure it out- Continuing on ... the pic consists of: Paramore, Linkin Park, Electrik Red, Kanye West, Keri Hilson, Teyana Taylor, Nicki Minaj, and OF COURSE Trey. I just threw something together, plus I liked the font I used so I think it came out pretty nice. I mean damn I spent hours working on that bish so it better. SMH. Well I'm all photoshop'd and XHTML'd out right now. Gonna catch some zzZZzz. The sun is rising. The sky is getting a lil brighter. AND I FRICKIN HEAR BIRDS PSSHHH!! My eyes hate me at the moment.
But feel free to comment on my banner, that's why I made this post. Specifically for that, peeps. PAY ATTENTION :)
And I'm outtie -waves-
Posted by Anomaly at 5:50 AM 5 People Listening
Category: Sidenote
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My Treat
Thank you so very much!
I really don't care if yall don't comment on this song. This is a post for me, but feel free to listen :) I love this song. Good inspiration for my story.
Paramore - Ignorance
-side note- I love her hair.
Posted by Anomaly at 9:01 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Music Video
♫ "How Can Something So Deadly Feel So Right"
Now I feel like a blog jocker cause I found this song yesterday, I just couldn't post it. Fu*k it.
♫ Beyonce - Poison (download)
BTW, the blog post title feels so right for my style of writing. Uhoh! Here comes another idea for a story. Geesh.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:17 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Music
New Vid: Ginuwine "Trouble"
This is my first time hearing this song, because I have yet to get the CD. Shame on me, but I do have a $10 iTunes gift card ... YIPPIE. The least I can do is get this song because I love it.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:09 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Music Video