I am so serious when I say that I hate to read hater comments. On Twitter, on Youtube, wherever people are allowed to talk, thats where the haters lie. And I dislike them, because they are small minded people. My philosphy is that if you hate on someone else for any reason then there is some level of small mindedness involved. I'm not a hypocrite, so I know I am at some fault to this small mindedness, but I check myself. Half the time, others are not aware of it. When I hate on something, I don't express it. Like on videos. If I don't like something or someone, I will not waste my time commenting on it. Haters, I feel, have all the time in the world to sit there and comment on things they hate. Whatever happened to positivity? We can't even uplift each other as a people, we just sit back and hate on the next person.
Where is this blog post coming from? I just watched the most recent Living The Life video on YouTube. JD addressed some people who strongly dislike (i.e. hate) his posts on Global14.com and what his video blogs (i.e. LTL).
Check it out.
"I can't let yall stop me from dreaming. and you can't let someone else stop you from dreaming. Anything that you can't get your hands on, don't mean that you shouldn't dream about it."
"If you think about what you want, constantly, then it will eventually come to you"
I love the fact that he said that. I actually appreciate it. That is what I do. Dream. I dream about everything I can't have. Sure I get sad about it, but I don't dwell on it. I move on and get happy all over again. I don't hate on someone who has more money than I have. I just hope that one day I could see the money that they make and be able to do things with it that I never would've thought that I could do before. I congradulate people with money. Sure it isn't fair because I'm in the situation that I am in, but its great that they are living better than me. One day I'll get to that. One day.
People is using the recession to hate on someone else with money. It's their money! You can't tell someone how to spend it. You won't let noone tell you how to spend yours, so why waste your breath. You know? That's why I don't like reading hater comments. They affect me that much indirectly. I don't know why, but it just do. I can't explain it. Some how I always fee connected.
While we're on the subject of JD ...

When I log on YouTube to watch his LTL video updates, I see alot of comments about Janet. Fans want to see her. They endlessly ask him about her. It's not her show! She's not gonna be on there. Janet is a private person. Have you ever seen her do anything like that? Put herself out on YouTube like JD. Let people into her world?
My point exactly. She hasn't, so I KNOW she's not going to ever show up on any of the LTL's. Let it go people and move on. DAMN.
And another thing. Lately I've been hearing alot of chatter about JD & Janet separating. And people are quick to jump on JD because of his lifestyle. He clubs like every other day. HE'S A FRICKIN' DJ. He travels to DJ. What is wrong with these people? Did JD ever announce that they seperated? NO! So why is everyone still talking about it?
Small mindedness. Can't see the bigger picture because they are too busy being petty.
1 People Listening:
Man, Oh Man, I so agree with your posting! Haters is what they are haters! They are not in the business to bring you up, they are in the business to bring you down but we have to learn that it makes us stronger and it makes them look stupid.
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