Tuesday, June 23, 2009


as said by Leslie from Electrik Red.

If anyone knows me well, they know that I have a lot of loves in my life.

Trey Songz, New Music, Writing, Transformers, and now . . . Electrik Red.

I don't care what a nay sayer has to say, I love them. I was the only person I knew playing "Drink In My Cup" like it was my anthem. I was putting other people on to them and what they do. They said "eh" and brushed them off. Bastards smh ... I still love my iffy "eh" sayers (i.e. my cousins). Because of me over playing them and ranting about them, they actually like them. If not, I'ma play Electrik Red any damn way. Wait 'til I get my car. Ride through the streets of Bmore bumping ERed all day.

So I was cruising through Honey Magazine's website and found a little article about my favorite girls. The article was mainly about Electrik Red's album sales, which were poor. I'm not gonna lie about that. I was one of the few that swiped the card for the album. I never heard a single song by them on the radio. I'm not even convinced that anybody knows them, but they know Richgirl (they are openers for Beyonce's US tour.)

So my question is, is Electrik Red getting the proper promo they deserve? Why don't anybody know about them? Why don't I see them dominating the video channels? Why did I have to search really hard for their album in BestBuy and get strange looks when I bought it? Is that even right?

I really don't want this group to fade away. With the right marketing and the right people backing them, they could be the shit. If DefJam can market that Rihanna the way they do, even tho she really didn't become famous until after her haircut, then they could do the same for Electrik Red. That's all I'm saying. They need more exposure than a little bit. HELP SOME SISTERS OUT!!! DAMN!!

I'm not the only one who love them. There are plenty fans laying low in the cut, but are quick to announce themselves when needed. PRESENT! *stands and waves hands* LOL. I guess the more they build their following, the more exposure they'll get, and the more of them you guys will hear.

Now isn't that lovely?

But check the pics and the music.




Thank you HONEY MAGAZINE for posting these. Love em.

Favorite Track
Electrik Red - Bed Rest
How To Be A Lady Volume 1

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