I miss the 90's more than I could put into words. I miss the music, the TV ...everything. With time, all of those things that I once love has disappeared, never to be regenerated again. I should stop before I start tearing up.
Daria . . .R.I.P. the only good show on MTV
Thank goodness for YouTube
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
When I Reminice Over You....
Posted by Anomaly at 6:19 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Cartoons
Song Of The Day
The song of the day is brought to you by Jeremih's new release, his self-titled album. It won't get as many plays out of me because of Trey's mixtape, but it's still worth a listen. I have a few faves on there. I haven't deleted anything so that's a good look for right now. I don't think his album is something to overlook. I don't think it's something people should sleep on. It most definitely has potential to gain momentum in time.
Jeremih - Hatin' On Me
This is my favorite song. He letting the haters know that he ain't entertaining no bull.
Now this is a recession yall. His album is 3 dollars on Amazon.com digital download. If you're thinking bout not financially supporting him by bootlegging his shit, the least you can do is spend 3 dollars. I did and I don't regret it.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:36 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
It's an addiction in it's truest form. It's like ecstasy for your ears. It's Anticipation. This is my kind of music. Slow R&B. I can play this entire mixtape without skipping it. And I don't do that for for alot of album, let alone mixtapes. This is a new breed of mixtape, a breed that other R&B artist can learn from and be able to pull together a collection like Anticipation.
Maybe there's like a fast song or two. But this mixtape needs not to overcompensate for a formula that was already achieved the minute the music started. And it sounds SO GOOD (Electrik Red voice). Like I said in a previous post, this mixtape could've easily been a album. That is how good it is, how well put together it is, how well written and produced it is. I would've paid the last 10 dollars left in my name to buy it. But yet it's free. AND I LOVE THAT cause I need to hold on to my 10 dollars. I appreciate the fact that they released it for free for the fans.
Whatever Songbook set out to do with this mixtape, they certainly achieved. If nay sayers and non fans weren't listening before, they will be listening now. BELEE THAT!
I can't write this without running the credits. I have people to thank for this lovely collection of music. I wanna thank Troy Taylor, John "SK" McGee, E. Miles, Patrick Hayes, Young Yonni, Eric Hudson, J. Austin (if the J stands for Johnta), and whoever else I do not recognize by name. Thank them all for creating my new obsession. Thank them for making this mixtape the most played music on my iPod. Thank them for leaving me with a smile on my face before I went to sleep this morning. HUGS FOR ALL OF THEM.
What is my favorite song you ask?
Why do I like this song over the rest? Maybe its the feel of it, the intoxicating beat, the way Trey sounds on it, the fact that it made me think when I listened to the lyrics. Maybe it was because I found it as new inspiration for a new story(fiction) I have yet to create. I always appreciate music that inspires me.
The Verdict: I love it, every track, every beat, every harmony, every lyric ...EVERYTHING.
What do you need to do?
Download Anticipation if you don't already have it. I don't know what you waiting on.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:58 AM 5 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Monday, June 29, 2009
I don't wanna get bluffed out on another Monday, Trey. Last Monday we were left neglected and disappointed that we didn't get any new songs to our iPods/Cell Phones/MP3 players. Hopefully by tonight, midnight, we'll get what we've been hoping to get all month. ANTICIPATION, the mixtape. So lets cross our fingers and hope that Trey and Troy will come threw for us.
Posted by Anomaly at 8:44 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Song Of The Day
Once again I am in a alternative mood.So I give you this song. It's a song that was featured on a episode of Making The Band 4. If I remember correctly, it was during one of Diddy's talks with Dawn and the other girl. Andrea, I think that's her name.
Olivia Broadfield - Don't Cry
The second video is a video I seen a few years ago. I don't know how I came across it, but I loved it. I appreciate the creativity and thought put into the video. Check it out.
Olivia Broadfield - Silence
Posted by Anomaly at 7:51 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Sooo where the f**k was C. Breezy?
I know a lot of us jumped for joy when we heard that Chris Brown was performing at the awards. Are you kidding me? I was excited. Someone who can actually do Michael some justice. Someone who can do all of his dance moves effortlessly. COME ON. Can you say #1 draft pick?
I guess BET didn't get that memo. I guess they heard how excited we were and decided to crush our dreams yall. Chris was scheduled to open the show with a performance of "Man In The Mirror." And I know that performance was going to be on point. If anyone could've saved the BET Tribute to MJ, it was going to be Chris Brown. But some haters at BET didn't allow that to happen.
They cut him before the show, leaving fans wondering "is he going to perform at the end?"
I am so over BET. They chose to see him as the criminal he became and not the talented young man he is. They not supporting their own. They'll throw him under the bus before they wipe him off clean and use him again for rating. SHAMELESS BASTARDS. They know how to kick a mofo when he's down. They denied him right to pay homage to his idol. WTF type of shit is that. I don't care what he did in his past. I'm ready to get back to music.
Or maybe I'm just the only one who feels that way.
BET is going to pay for this. Mark my words. I will never watch another show on that network again, unless its Trey affiliated. They will regret their decision. AND BEST BELIEVE. Other awards shows are watching. They gonna see these mistakes and BANK on them. Watch. And I hope they do.
Yall ready for some MTV (fucka MTV too), what about the AMA's and Grammy's. ITS ON! They gonna do it better and I hope they do and rub it in their faces. That's how disgusted I am. I lost my faith in BET. If nobody picks up CB for a tribute then I have no faith in music and I have no faith in people.
Look at what yall missing.
Yall tell me who can do it better. What dude has paid tribute to MJ more than CB? Who had a birthday themed after "Off The Wall." Who was MJ's biggest fan?
Riddle me that.
Posted by Anomaly at 8:44 AM 2 People Listening
Category: In Other News
Through The Clouds There Are Some Shining Stars....
You didn't think I was going to watch the whole BET awards and not get a smile from it. I got a few actually. And I have a few favorite performances. SURPRISE SURPRISE. I'm just gonna name them and talk about them, because the awards should not shadow these performances. These people did their thing on the stage. And I give them my props.
First and foremost, my babe Trey and his tribute to the O'Jays with Tyrese and Johnhy Gill.
My Treymates and I, were anticipating this performance. It was Trey's first performance on the awards. We support our boy. We go HAM. And he sure didn't disappoint us. Not one bit. AND when he started dancing. LOL! I was just so proud of him. He actually did it and didn't fuck up. I love him. And boy do I love me some Tyrese. That boy can sang. And Johnny Gill, what was up with them faces man. LOL. But all three of them did amazing. I loved every minute of it.
My boy Maxwell. WOOT! And he sung the best song in the world and looked and sounded great while doing it. That's real 90's R&B right there, man. That's what I wish we can get back to.
OLD R&B ACTS... THE O'JAYS, NEW EDITION, GUY, KEITH SWEAT, BBD!! Omg I love them all. I love seeing them get back together and performing. No matter how old they get, I will still want to see them live. I wished Boys II Men was there tho. That would've made my night.
Performance Misses:
Everybody that I didn't include above. The only reason why I liked Jamie's performance was because of Travis Barker, I love me some Travis Barker. Beyonce should've quit playing and sung Single Ladies, Ego, or Diva. You don't pull that type of song out on a BET audience. Where's the party at bish?? She is messing up. Especially in that outfit ... just wrong. But she sounded flawness. Bad song choice. Keyshia Cole, love her but no, Monica took that performance for me. Soulja who??? I don't remember that performance. Jay-z needs to sit down. Felt bad about Drake's injury, but that performance was a mess. Lil' girls up there dancing Lil' Wayne. WTF. FILLER! And Baby ... get the fuck outta here. Are you serious? They went on after Maxwell, The OJays, Trey, Tyrese and Johnny. How bout no. Maybe next year. Jamie and Ne-Yo doing more performances than I needed to see. DEADD. Keri Hilson ... why she tryna be Elvis? And WTF was up with the end of her performance. I walked away on that one.
So I said my piece. What did yall think of the performances? And please be anything but kind here. I'll allow any venting if need be.
All pics via NecoleBitchie.com
Posted by Anomaly at 8:18 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Another Serving of Disappointment...
This comes to no surprise to me. The BET awards. I have no great words to say about it. HONESTLY. It upset me to see the show arranged in the way it was arranged. To know the fact the this show was watched nationally embarrassed me. I told yall how I am. I can attract emotion to anything, therefore I feel connected to a lot of things that happens on the TV and if it's bad then I'm either upset or extremely embarrassed for something I have no control over. And to see us as black people be represented like that last night is a shame. To show lack of preparation and organization is something I do not laugh about. I take this seriously. As a fan of music I will not accept this type of fuckery. There is no excuse for that awards show to turn out the way it did. And I don't think the folks over at BET understand that. And because they don't, they have lost themselves a viewer.
Now folks, I understand wholeheartedly the situation BET had with trying to accommodate MJ's tribute into the show. That's a major change. I know. And they had three days to prepare it. THREE. I see that. It comes across in the show, the additional performances. Now saying that I understand that, I will not use that as an excuse for the BET Awards. That awards show should not have been done in the manner it was.
So much for the celebration of his life.
I can tell you so many things that went wrong with the awards.
First: whoever was working on the editing team should get fired. If your not gonna bleep it the first time, sweetie, then why try to catch the next 50 million times. GIVE UP. Them celebrities should know not to cuss. Where were they raised? What type of manners were they given. Sure its funny, but it's a family show. I curse, but I know that there's a time and a place for everything, so I control my mouth. Shouldn't they be told the same thing? And anything sex related (i.e. Jeremih's performance) unless they are absolutely vulgar just don't mess with it.
Second:I love New Edition as if I grew up in their era. Listen to what I say. I LOVE them. But I was disappointed in the set up. When the show opened, I didn't know who the fuck that was on stage. And I felt so bad for them, because I knew if I didn't know, then nobody else knew. Announce them first, so that we won't be left wondering.
Third: Jamie Foxx's pauses after commercial breaks or him reading the teleprompter. If people are having so much trouble reading it, then bring it closer. Not everyone has 20/20 vision.And shouldn't Jamie have a ear piece and someone talking to him, telling him that commercial is over. He can't just stand there with the camera on him looking dumb. He's the host. WTF. He of all people must be on point. BET wasn't in tune with their star player, as Katt Williams would say.
Forth: These random ass Michael Jackson tributes. It just seemed like it was thrown in there as a filler. No care at all. This is MJ, THE KING OF POP! IF anything I expected dancing. Ciara just sat in a chair the whole song. Ne-Yo just sat in a chair the whole song. I mean come on. They are dancers at heart and they were reduced to stool singers. What I'm saying people is that this is a tribute. I don't care how many days you got to pull it together. You do that shit right if its for a icon like MJ. You pick the best, i know noone would object to performing in his name. Hell, I would've accepted if they came as they are, give it their all, and leave their heart out on the stage with it pulsing long after the performance is over. That type of electricity and passion, you know? If you're gonna do it, do it right. Don't bite off more than you can chew. If you wasn't ready for it, yall could've just set up a separate show.
Fifth: It ended on a sad note.You don't end shows like that. If this is a celebration of his music, why leave people in tears? The end of the show is suppose to be uplifting and happy. Michael has plenty of songs that are happy and uplifting.
Sixth: The presentations of the awards. If anything they should've said fuck it and gave people their awards backstage. Why waste time if you won't commit to it?
Seventh: That audience was weak as shit. That wasn't a industry awards show.It was mixed with fans and celebs alike. Where's the excitement.
Eight: The pre-show was fuckery.
Ninth: It was on a Sunday. That's new.
Tenth: For shame they did Chris Brown like that. They saw him for the criminal he has become and not the talented young man he is. They tried to say that they didn't want no back lash. No! Yall just don't wanna see a black man rise up out the dirt. I'll wait for another post to talk about this.
Eleventh: The last two performances were fillers. I know it was a fucking filler. Don't try to play me. Lil' Wayne "Every Girl" for a awards show. HELL NO. Thats red carpet. And yall know how i feel about the note it ended on.
We gots to do better people. We can't let our awards show continue like this. We can not allow another BET awards this bad to ever occur again.
Posted by Anomaly at 7:37 AM 0 People Listening
Sunday, June 28, 2009
And the BET Award goes to...
So tonight is the awards, something I'm anticipating for the first time in years. For good reason, tonight is the best reason to watch: the tribute to Michael Jackson, The OJays, and the fact that Trey is making his first appearance on the awards. YAY. I predict a great show, but there's always room for error, and BET is known for mistakes. (especially in performances and who they choose).
I'm going to try to make my predictions and see how correct I am in the end.
Best Female R&B:
Keyshia Cole
Keri Hilson
Jennifer Hudson
Jazmine Sullivan
Power house group. I love them all. They all have their own styles but their voices are beautiful. But I'm going with Beyonce on this one ... cause she is a all around entertainer. That's something I appreciate.
Best Male R&B:
Jamie Foxx
Ryan Leslie
Ugh...I'll say Trey Songz ..lmao. But if i have to pick, I'll say Ne-Yo, just because I like him better than the rest up there.
Best Male Hip-Hop:
Lil Wayne
Rick Ross
Kanye West
Young Jeezy
Um... this is a hard one. Lil Wayne ain't get this one last year. Kanye did. But I'm not sure who I want to win. We'll see later.
Best Female Hip-Hop:
Lil Mama
This shouldn't be a category. I have no words for this.
Best Group:
Day 26
GS Boyz
The Roots
Three 6 Mafia
Are you serious? GS Boyz and 36Mafia .... NO. My money is going on Day26. I mean these other groups arent as relevant as they are. The roots and NERD are great groups. I love them both, but I'm going wit Day26.
Best Collab:
Jamie Foxx f/ T-Pain - "Blame It"
Keri Hilson f/ Lil Wayne - "Turnin Me On"
Jim Jones/Ron Browz - f/ Juelz Santana "Pop Champagne"
T.I. f/ Rihanna - "Live Your Life"
Yung LA f/ Young Dro and T.I. - "Ain't I"
Best Collab is going to TI. I mean Blame it is good, but I think Live Your Life is a more secure choice. I just don't wanna see Rihanna walk up on stage to accept the award. Maybe I'll take that back. I'm going wit Blame It
Best New Artist:
Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi
Ryan Leslie
Jazmine Sullivan
Wasn't she a best new artist last year? For this category I'm going wit Keri.
Video Of The Year:
Beyonce "If I Were A Boy"
Beyonce "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"
Jamie Foxx ft/ T-Pain "Blame It"
T.I. ft/ Rihanna "Live Your Life"
Kanye West "Heartless"
I dont know how the ppl over at BET is judging this, but if it's based on creativity ... I'm going with Kanye wit Heartless. It's a very artistic video and I appreciate art and thought put into videos. My second choice is TI's live your life. That video tells a story and I also appreciate that.
Last but not least Viewers Choice. I voted for Keri Hilson, so I hope she gets that over everyone else in that group.
What do yall think, what are yall predictions?
Posted by Anomaly at 5:28 PM 0 People Listening
BET Pre-Party Pics
Found some pics. Thought I share them with you.
Pics via Miss Jia.com
Posted by Anomaly at 5:12 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Photography
Song Of The Day
I absolutely love this song. The sound of it. The way it makes me feel. The way the singer sings it and how much emotion she puts into it. You can literally hear the pain, well I can. And the lyrics ....
Just listen for yourself
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
SpotLight Lyrics: "Wait, they don't love you like I love you" man that's the best line I've ever heard in a song. And she adds emotion to it, by the way she sings it.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:00 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Song Of The Day
So if yall didn't know, I needed to find inspiration to write a story. My inspirations come from many places. I don't even know how I get inspired, but I'm not mad when it happens. I listen to certain music and set there. And I begin to see a scene, people, a setting, their expressions, the slight movements they make as response to whatever is affecting them. And most importantly I hear them talk to me. Its weird to say, but my teachers taught me that. You can't force the characters to do something. Let it happen and write it down. Its like watching someone's life playout and you're just there to take note of it. It's all about listening.
Here's a few songs that inspired me yesterday and these are my songs of the day.
Ginuwine - Only When You're Lonely
Brooke Valentine - Dying of a Broken Heart
pretty dark songs if you ask me, but this is what is use to evoke emotion. If I can't feel the emotion, then I wont believe what I'm writing, therefore the story would not be written.
Posted by Anomaly at 11:30 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Friday, June 26, 2009
Really MediaTakeOut?
It seems like every other day, the people over at MediaTakeOut discovers new couples. I think they got the eye for it, or they so desperately want these people to be couples. WHERE ARE THE FACTS. No where in sight. Yall wanna see what I'm talking about. Now don't get all crazy my Trey loves, its okay. He still belongs to us. And he knows that.
Via MediaTakeOut
Well if yall thinking this is true, without hearing no other word from anywhere else, how bout yall consider this song first LOL
This dude embodies the term flirt. He's the definition. Is that a crime?
Posted by Anomaly at 1:52 PM 1 People Listening
I love that song by Ciara. Too bad it wasn't on her album. This post is no real post. I just wanted to share a picture that I love so much of Ciara.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:30 PM 0 People Listening
Day26: HOT OR NOT???
After the Stadium Music video, I was a little discouraged to hear that Day26 was making videos for my two favorite songs: "Truth Is A Lie" and "Girlfriend." No, to say that I was discouraged would be a understatement. As I watch them right now, I don't know how I feel about the videos. On certain songs, they demand powerful videos. Did "Truth Is A Lie" do that for me? I'm not sure.
Day26 - Truth Is A Lie
Day26 - Girlfriend
(sry yall my html source is effing up)
THE VERDICT: They need to hire more creative Directors, that or Diddy is giving them a low budget. That's just me.
What yall think?
Posted by Anomaly at 12:44 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Music Video
When I Hear PYT, This Is What I Think Of
I'm not sure how many of yall know of the show America's Best Dance Crew. Its a show that comes on MTV. Well one of my favorite dancing groups were featured on it. JABBAWOCKEEZ. Check out one of their dance challenges.
Posted by Anomaly at 12:38 PM 0 People Listening
I told yall that I will no longer dwell on this subject, but its only right that I dedicate throwback Friday to Michael Jackson (RIP)
Michael Jackson - Human Nature
Michael Jackson - Liberian Girl
Michael Jackson - Lady In My Life
Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Posted by Anomaly at 12:15 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Throwback Friday
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What is going on today?!!
First Farrah Fawcett passes away, now this. Michael Jackson was rushed to the hospital. He had a heart attack (i.e. cardiac arrest). BE STRONG MICHAEL!!
I dedicate this to you, even though you sung it.
I guess heaven couldn't wait long enough. Sure I can state facts, but this subject here is a matter of opinion. I really have no words for this. I never expected this to happen. I mean you never would think that something of this nature would happen, but you were told to expect it. But if you were told to expect it, and you know how life works, it still doesn't make it hurt any less. I'm speaking of death in general. Its a surreal thing to me, an anomaly of sorts. I'm afraid to recognize death for what it really is. THE END. And I dont like the end of things, so I choose to look away. 8 years later, I still can't accept the fact that Aaliyah is gone. I treat her music as if its near to my ears every time I play one of her songs. I watch Bernie Mac shows as if they are new to me. I still regularly listen to TLC. And I'm going to treat Michael's music the same.
I might live in denial for the rest of my life, but I'm okay about that.
They always go in threes: Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson... RIP to them all.
This will be the last time I talk about this.
Posted by Anomaly at 5:22 PM 0 People Listening
Anticipating Anticipation
Lemme catch my breath before I faint.
1..2..3 Deep Breath
Okay I'm fine now. Soooo, I forgot what I was going to say. Ogling this damn picture. But Trey is so much more than a piece of eye candy, yes ladies I know. You can't ya eyes off of him either. It's okay. We're family here :)
But anyways, as you all should know Anticipation (the mixtape) will be released next Tuesday. I know we all been fiening for some Songz, since we didn't get no action on TREYSONGZMUSICMONDAY. But lemme tell you. Music Monday is nothing compared to the release of this mixtape.
Last night, Troy Taylor played a few tracks off the mixtape. And OMG (homer simpson drool face). If you know some people that never heard of Trey or don't really like him, you better play this mixtape for them. Get em hooked. And if they still don't like them, then they need help.
So anyway ... for those who didn't tune into Troy's impromptu TTU class last night
Its a long vid, but if you're dedicated, you wouldn't mind at all.
TTU TV on Ustream
Anticipation sounds like an album to me.
Tune in the day after to get the mixtape SECOND cause, i don't got it like that. I can't premere anything. LOL. But it'll be a review. A place to talk about it. What you love, what you don't love. Anything.
Make sure you tune in to TTU TV tonight at 10.
Posted by Anomaly at 3:45 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program
Sorry bout the rant. I just couldn't keep it to myself. Things like that you just have to speak your mind. Gotta free your mind or its going to bother you.
I'm good. I'm singing LOL =) and picturing the official dance as danced by Troy Taylor lol
Posted by Anomaly at 3:23 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Sidenote
Let's be clear right now. Set the record straight before I go off at the mouth. I love blogs. I am addicted to reading them. I love writing them, expressing myself through words the best way i know how. I have an appreciation for those who take the time out to write whatever it is and those who take the time to read and comment. I love that interaction. I love that care.
There is a time and place for everything. And hate is never good. I know that not every blogger needs a blog. They abuse the power they have over the public, manipulate their readers, offend the subjects of the story. And if i'm equally offended because this blogger attacks someone, then you know they shouldn't be doing what they do. I am a emotional person. I get angry with shit that has nothing to do with me. I feel, in alot of ways, connected. That is just the person that I am. My personality is that of a defender. I hate bullies. I had my share of bullies, you know. And now this is running into the blog world.
Its one thing to share your opinion on something, but its another to slam someone out of pure hate. Its not right. And people will call you out on it. So this is my call out.
Sandra Rose
I am not a reader of her material. Bad enough I read MediaTakeOut. SHAME ON ME. Don't judge me (LOL).
Lately, Sandra has been getting on my nerves to say the least. She posts a bunch of bullshit on celebrities and WE KNOW the shit is fake. So one day, I go on there for fun cuz a bish be bored as hell during the day without a job. And I see this shit she post about Necole Bitchie. Now Necole is my girl. I love her blog. Read it faithfully everyday. She has the status I want to have as a blogger.
Read this bullshit right here.
A loyal reader sent me this pic of struggling R&B singer Trey Songz and blogger Necole Bitchie swapping spit in some flea bag motel room somewhere.
Until I saw this pic I was riding hard for Necole Bitchie. I was the first to jump to her defense when haters accused her of being a celebrity wannabe and a industry whore.
She also denied every bit of it. But this picture speaks a thousand words.
I hope Necole understands that f***ing Trey Songz means she’s f***ing every chick (or man) that Trey Songz has laid up with. Who’s next on her list? Will she be Lil Wayne’s baby mama #5? Ewww.
It has been brought to my attention that the above photo was snapped at some public event. Which makes matters even worse. It means Necole was throwing her tongue all down Trey’s throat right out in the open. Where’s her credibility as a blogger? Can we believe anything she says after this disgrace? I wonder what Russell Simmons has to say about all this since she works for him?
FIRST OF ALL, you only hating cause Necole looks better than you and could TAP THAT (Trey) if she fucking wanted to.If any of yall seen the video dealing with that in one of my old posts, yall will hear that Trey said she resisted lol. Secondly, TREY AINT NO MAFUCKIN STRUGGLING ARTIST WHERE YOU BEEN AT, IN A DITCH? Old ass don't know shit about shit.
I got another one for yall.
Struggling R&B singer Trey Songz is the subject of a video that was shot during a recent no-holds-barred radio interview in which he discusses his various sexual encounters with groupies.
Trey, who is a member of the Ocean’s crew, a comical takeoff on the “Ocean’s 11″ movie franchise, unequivocally denies having sex with a female blogger (although we heard something to the contrary).
It’s later revealed that the female blogger in question was Necole Bitchie, who is also rumored to have had a go at Ocean’s crew member Jermaine Dupri (although I don’t believe that for one minute).
Trey further stated in the video that he wouldn’t mind banging Necole. But seriously, what industry female wouldn’t he do if she offered up her goodies to him? Some of these industry chicks really don’t mind which celebrity runs through them as long as there aren’t any condoms involved and his credit card isn’t declined at Neiman Marcus.
In the video, which I’m not posting due to sexually explicit language, Trey says something to the effect of, “I did not have sex with that woman!” He comes off as sounding rather desperate and pathetic as he denies ever hitting that. But why would a very suspect male singer deny having sex with a cute female like Necole? The whispers of Trey being a down low brotha will surely grow louder after this.
My god, is this woman serious? TREY GAY? FUCK THAT!!! WHO THE FUCK BEEN WHISPERING THAT TO YOU? She amazes me. Can write bullshit like its nothing yall. She spews bullshit. She just don't like Trey. So I just don't like her. Yall know I GO HAM for Trey. Gotta defend whats ours.
I bet she wished this nigga was gay so she could have an excuse why he don't want her old ass.
OMG Yall heres the kicker.
I bumped into the rapper Drake over the weekend while out & about in Atlanta. The fact that he was surrounded by a massive entourage of hard legs with thick necks didn’t conceal his gay tendencies not one bit.
Naturally, me being as out of the loop as I am, I had NO clue who this Drake was. So I turned to someone on the fringes of the chaotic scene, who chided me for not knowing this dude was up next. “Miss Rose,” he said. “Drake’s the next R.Kelly. He’s Lil Wayne’s protege… he’s…” — All I needed to hear were the words “Lil Wayne’s protege” and he was dismissed.
It figures that Drake is just another skeleton in the Hip Hop boneyard who achieved fame by following the same lame formula: get co-signed by the biggest name in the business and you’re on top just like that with 15 minutes to spare.
A little background on 22-year-old Drake: he’s a biracial, Jewish Canadian who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth in a wealthy enclave of Canada. Not exactly the hardscrabble life that Hip Hop heads typically glorify. But of course his privileged past will be conveniently swept under the rug in light of his affiliation with Lil Wayne and other pillars of the Hip Hop community.
Drake got his start in show biz as an actor on the popular Canadian TV series Degrassi, where he played a disabled teen. Since 2006 he’s been putting in work on mixtapes — the last of which, So Far Gone — made a little noise before being crowned “Mixtape of the Year.” Drake is currently in the studio working on a full length album with Wayne, struggling R&B singer Trey Songz and old man Jay Z.
Drake’s Internet presence is strong, but that presence apparently doesn’t follow him offline. They say Drake’s Atlanta concert sold out in 8 hours on Saturday. But only 500 tickets were sold, and only 200 bodies attended his Atlanta after party. Those figures aren’t exactly major considering that the Velvet Room nightclub packs in 5 times that many on an average night.
I am so over her. If you don't got nothing nice to say, just leave it unsaid. You try to make truths outta lies. How am I suppose to hold any credibility to whatever you write? KICK ROCKS!
Yall follow @FUCKSandraRose ... be part of the movement cause this shit is ridiculous. We need to put a stop to liars. NO TRUTH, NO SUPPORT.
Posted by Anomaly at 1:09 PM 4 People Listening
Category: Bafoonery
Song of The Day
This song goes out to all the Trey fans that are hating that radio broadcast yesterday and spent a whole bunch of minutes waiting on the phone to get thru. And then either got hung up on or didn't get thru at all. And then had to hear that he was following the people that called him. AND THEN watching him retweet what those girls he's following now had to say about it. (LMAO)
Girls like that, turn fans like me into haterrrrrrrrrrrrs
Yall know what i'm talking bout.
Good for them tho.
Posted by Anomaly at 12:51 PM 4 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Did Mario Just Diss Trey?
Yes Trey I know, someone is trying to make something out of nothing. smh
So the question of the day. Did Mario diss Trey?
Not likely, but check out the article on bossip for yourself.
LiveSteez: There was an industry rumor that Trey Songz put out a diss record towards you. Any truth to that? (Editor’s note: Trey re-recorded ‘Break Up’)
Mario: I heard the record that Trey Songz did, and I didn’t hear a diss in it. I didn’t take anything personal. Trey does that all the time. He’s gets on records that are hot, that he may wish were his, but they aren’t. And he puts them out.
LiveSteez: If he was to put out a diss record what would be your response?
Mario: I’ve been doing this for a minute and I don’t put myself in the same lane as Trey or anybody else. I feel like I have my own lane. If I really wanted to, I could shut a lot of guys down, vocally. I don’t put myself in a position to even allow them to occupy my mental space. I don’t like to be compared. I’ve done what Trey has done already. His new single is, ‘I Need a Girl’, right’? I did that record two years ago. Not to take anything away from him, you know what I’m saying, but there is no comparison.
How does this article make me feel as a fan of them both? Is someone trying to start some shit?
I know for damn sure its going to be misinterpreted by so many people. Maybe there's extra emphasis on words that weren't meant to be what it sounds like it is.
As for the record "Break Up," Trey remixes songs because he likes them. That was in no way shape or form meant to be a diss record. Trey remade that for his fans. So what the f**k is this interviewer trying to say. Maybe he or she is a fan of R. Kelly and are just mad that they are just as irrelevant as R. Kelly.
Wasn't Trey and Mario photographed together this past Saturday at Birthday Bash in ATL?

People trying to make nothing out of something. And Mario you need to watch your words homie. It can be easily misinterpreted.
What yall think? Don't keep it to yourself Trey and Mario fans. LET IT OUT. SET YOUR HEART FREE!!
Trey Songz - Wake Up
Posted by Anomaly at 6:54 PM 3 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Transformers: Robots In Disguise!
I need this movie in my life right now! Yall just don't know to what extent I love this movie. And it's in theaters today. I am soooo there!
What is it about?
I can't even put it into words. You're just going to have to check it out for yourself.
Why should you see it?
1. Shia LaBoeuf (omg ... need I say any more?)
2. Bumble Bee (cause he is just so damn cute ... robot or not!)
3. You gotta admit, you love the underdog
4. Michael Bay (cause he directed it ... and Bad Boys II)
Movie Pics:
Images Provided by Yahoo! Movies
I am going to see this movie. I just got one question for you. Can I borrow $10?
Posted by Anomaly at 5:53 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Movie
BET Awards: A Good Look For Trey?
(image --Trey Songz and Tyrese Rehearsal)
The BET Awards will air this Sunday on a network I no longer associate myself with after the retiring of Free and AJ off of 106 & Park. Now I have something to look forward to. Trey will be performing a tribute to the OJays onstage with Tyrese. If only it was Trey performing with his own set on a stage by himself singing his own song. But I ain't mad. Its a great look for Trey. Maybe next year we'll see him perform his own song for the first time. I hope. I mean it's only right. Maybe Ready will impress whoever is in charge of picking the performance line up. And maybe Trey can get his shot.
Baby steps.
So far this performance is the only thing I'm looking forward to. I wonder if it's going to be a bore this year. I'm a little iffy about Jamie Foxx hosting. I hope he's funny. Maybe I'll stay interested and won't flip through the channels so much while its on. And the performances better be on point. I better hear every word sung. The sets better be the shit. I'm just saying. I don't wanna be disappointed. My heart can't take anymore disappointment.
BET Awards Performances that I loved:
Chris Brown - With You/Take You Down
Alicia Keys - Superwoman/Teenage Love Affiar
My bad yall for having to click everywhere to get to the video, but this is the only place where you can watch it.
But tune into the BET awards this sunday at 8pm eastern time
Posted by Anomaly at 5:23 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Song Of The Day
Can I interest you in something more . . . alternative?
I chose one of my favorite songs in my iTunes eclectic collection. This song in particular ..omg BEAUTIFUL. The lead singer's voice, low, ghostly, breathy when he starts out ... love it. And the piano is amazing. And I say the title of this song so many times. Its my catch phrase. "Maybe I'm just tired." I'm always tired.
And as a added bonus their is a bonus track added to it. The vid at 10+ minutes for nothing. The bonus track starts around 6:36.
As Tall As Lions - Maybe I'm Just Tired
SpotLight Lyrics : just listen to the way he sings "If i can be saved, show me the way, help me help myself baby" omg LOVE IT!!
Posted by Anomaly at 5:02 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
CiCi Better Work
Will I get shot for being a Ciara fan? Will someone squeeze through this screen and choke me if I said I supported her new album?
Ciara's new video for work was released today. I am easy to love anything. It's getting sad, but I LOVE this video. Argue what you want about her singing, but this bish can dance! And any one that can dance is number one in my book. (its the reason why I love watching So You Think You Can Dance and America's Best Dance Crew)
I was a little iffy about the song, first off. But after seeing the video, its growing on me. I'm going to give the song a chance. SERIOUSLY I AM, GIVE ME A BREAK! LOL. Lemme go get my CD and re-upload that song right now.
Ciara - Work (feat. Missy Elliot)
Ciara better WORK in that blue dress. And them boots. HOT!!
Posted by Anomaly at 8:19 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Music Video, Throwback Friday
Song Of The Day
I'ma hit yall with some hip-hop today. That's the type of mood I'm in at the moment. My choice is Wiz Khalifa. I'm not on dude like I should be. I liked his first single "Say Yeah." The beat is soooo infectious. I can't explain it. Then I forgot about him until I heard this one song. And I LOVE IT! Lately I've been loving a lot. I can't help it. It's just what I do and who I am. LOL!
Wiz Khalifa - Car Service (feat. Curren$y)
How bout I make it a double? Do you mind?
Okay ... can I admit that I have a soft spot for Lupe Fiasco? WOOOOOO. Now that that's out in the open, I give you this song. It's off his new album ... I don't know what it's called yet, but its new. And this song right here ... (drooling Homer Simpson mmm donuts face) LOVE IT!! Check it out while it lasts. I see some people are tryna remove it from YouTube.
Lupe Fiasco - Shining Down
Posted by Anomaly at 2:51 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
as said by Leslie from Electrik Red.
If anyone knows me well, they know that I have a lot of loves in my life.
Trey Songz, New Music, Writing, Transformers, and now . . . Electrik Red.
I don't care what a nay sayer has to say, I love them. I was the only person I knew playing "Drink In My Cup" like it was my anthem. I was putting other people on to them and what they do. They said "eh" and brushed them off. Bastards smh ... I still love my iffy "eh" sayers (i.e. my cousins). Because of me over playing them and ranting about them, they actually like them. If not, I'ma play Electrik Red any damn way. Wait 'til I get my car. Ride through the streets of Bmore bumping ERed all day.
So I was cruising through Honey Magazine's website and found a little article about my favorite girls. The article was mainly about Electrik Red's album sales, which were poor. I'm not gonna lie about that. I was one of the few that swiped the card for the album. I never heard a single song by them on the radio. I'm not even convinced that anybody knows them, but they know Richgirl (they are openers for Beyonce's US tour.)
So my question is, is Electrik Red getting the proper promo they deserve? Why don't anybody know about them? Why don't I see them dominating the video channels? Why did I have to search really hard for their album in BestBuy and get strange looks when I bought it? Is that even right?
I really don't want this group to fade away. With the right marketing and the right people backing them, they could be the shit. If DefJam can market that Rihanna the way they do, even tho she really didn't become famous until after her haircut, then they could do the same for Electrik Red. That's all I'm saying. They need more exposure than a little bit. HELP SOME SISTERS OUT!!! DAMN!!
I'm not the only one who love them. There are plenty fans laying low in the cut, but are quick to announce themselves when needed. PRESENT! *stands and waves hands* LOL. I guess the more they build their following, the more exposure they'll get, and the more of them you guys will hear.
Now isn't that lovely?
But check the pics and the music.
Thank you HONEY MAGAZINE for posting these. Love em.
Favorite Track
Electrik Red - Bed Rest
How To Be A Lady Volume 1
Posted by Anomaly at 1:26 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Electrik Red Corner
Got Played on Music Monday
Change of plans. Guess no TREYSONGZMUSICMONDAY. Had me waiting all damn day. Trey and Troy Taylor have alot of making up to do ... smh. BUT I STILL LOVE THEM =)
Posted by Anomaly at 12:26 AM 0 People Listening
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Songz Experience . . . .
hmm seems like Trey wanted them pics to be leaked ...haha
Posted by Anomaly at 8:18 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Is It Over??
Can I open my eyes now?? Is it safe to speak without ridicule?
But are you as happy as I am that this trial is over. This domestic issue between Chris Brown and Rihanna has been pissing me off for the past few months. Chris Brown haters been pissing me off for the past few months. Repetitive articles about Rihanna and whatever the fuck she's doing at every minute of the day has been pissing me off for the past few months. Can we please just drop them both and get back to music? Are we that much damaged from this that we can't go back to what we were before? Just fans and not haters? Or just fans and not public defenders?
I guess time will heal all wounds. If that's possible.
Today, we finally got word on the verdict of the case and learned of Chris Brown's future. For one he's not going to jail despite what you might think.
He was sentenced to five years probation and 180 hours of community service, which he may be allowed to serve in his home state of Virginia. If he violates, then he's most definitely gonna serve four years. He also can't be within 50 yards of Rihanna unless they are at the same events. Then he cant come within 10 yards of her.
Good riddance. Thank god its over.
Posted by Anomaly at 7:45 PM 1 People Listening
Category: In Other News
Soooooooooongz Yuuup! Songz Is My Name . . .
(i lucked up with this screenshot from one of his live broadcasts. it's my fav)
It's another Monday and thanks to Trey Songz, I'm always looking forward to it. Forget Garfield and his hate for Mondays. Us Trey fan's have something to celebrate.
I can hear the cheer and see the confetti already. Can you feel that energy? I do.
I'm not the only one who feels the neglect Trey has been giving off these past few days. He went on a hiatus on twitter. Pops up randomly with tweets and then disappears again. Shows up again with pictures of him kissing all up on Necole Bitchie. And then he never talks about it. And then he disappears again.
But today is the day. FINALLY some concrete interaction. Unfortunately, real Trey fans have to share this interaction with Trey "bimbos," you know the groupies that ask stupid or over sexual questions. There's nothing we can actually do about it, but endure and watch as he streams live from wherever in the world he is (*whispers* Chicago) when he releases that NEW NEW.
I'm sure whatever he releases is gonna be hot. There's no doubt in my mind.
This is how he prepares us via Twitter: SongzYuuup
#I think I'ma wait til I go live to release some new music! about 7 hours ago from UberTwitter
#Thinking bout TreySongzMusicMonday... about 7 hours ago from UberTwitter
Let's see if he's gonna keep his promise ... he owes it to all his real fans that GO HAM for him on a daily basis.
Posted by Anomaly at 6:54 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Trey Songz Corner
Song Of The Day
Thanks to one of my peeps on Twitter, I been put on to this one song by Mario. I've been a Mario fan since the beginning. I got to support my own. BMORE BABY!!! Mario is like my breath of fresh air from Trey when I feel that Trey's music is consuming me. And let me tell you. I don't mind the interruption if its Mario.
But anyway...
I'm glad to see him coming back on the music scene with Break Up. Say what you want, that song is hot, but that's not the song I'm choosing for the song of the day. Today's choice is called "Lonely Girl's Club."
Interesting song title. I thought it was going to talk about something completely different than what I expected, but check it out.
Mario - Lonely Girl's Club
Can't wait for that album to add to my collection.
Posted by Anomaly at 6:48 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Song Of The Day
I made another lyrics video this time for a Sammie song featuring Trey Songz. The song is called "Bedroom G." Well of course it is. It wouldn't be a Trey song without sex. COME ON. You know it. I know that you know it. And you know that I know that you know it. lol.
So check it out. Comment either on here on YouTube. Much appreciated.
Sammie feat. Trey Songz - Bedroom G
Posted by Anomaly at 12:38 AM 0 People Listening
Category: Song Of The Day
Girl Group Update
I think RichGirl is starting to grow on me. Well their sound. Maybe their single was a turn off, but I'm beginning to like their voices. They have a very nice sound.
And not to mention I love this song.
Posted by Anomaly at 12:35 AM 0 People Listening
Saturday, June 20, 2009
LOL :-) ... A Good Laugh When You're Down
One of my best buddies sent me a link on Yahoo! when I was feeling like throwing myself out the window. I broke one of my brackets off my braces, and I don't know if its my fault. I played by the rules. I ate only soft foods. They said I can have pizza and I had pizza. I cut it into pieces and took off the bottom crust to eat. No problems. Now today I broke it. I don't wanna let my father know cause he can be a harsh person when it comes to words. I might have to sneak out and get it fixed on my own dime, whatever dime that is.
But when I was feeling down this link was sent my way to make me feel better. And lemme tell you that this vid is a good laugh. Just makes you feel a whole lot better. You may not forget what happened to you, but at least for a minute or 23 you don't have to think about it. Take a look.
Posted by Anomaly at 4:59 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Funny Funny
Friday, June 19, 2009
Throw Back Friday (Ladies)
I thought I should do this atleast one day a week. So this is my song of the day. Gotta go back, way back to music most of us probably don't listen to anymore. REDISCOVER IT!!
This is my absolute fave song from Janet Jackson. This song, I can't even explain the way it makes me feel, but I felt this way once before. I think it's in the way that she sings it that gets me. It's sad yet hopeful. I don't know. It just is.
I love Sade. Point blank. There's no need for me to continue. I just love all her music, her voice, her look . . . everything. And I absolutely love this video concept because I love the Little Mermaid. The lyrics to the song is just beautiful.
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
Just because I wanted to listen to them.
Gotta love the old school.
Posted by Anomaly at 2:08 PM 0 People Listening
Category: Throwback Friday
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Female Group Dynamic ... another disappointment?
How bout I list them for a second? You don't mind at all, do you?
Xscape, Total, EnVogue, Destiny's Child (before and after), Danity Kane, SWV, TLC, and whoever else from the 90s up until now. I'm damn sure I listened to every single one of them. I have a soft spot for female groups. I commit myself to their music, and what do I get in return. Heart ache.
Where does this heartache comes from? Simple. Either they break up or they just fade away. I am a sucker! It makes me sick. I set myself up for failure. Their lyrics haunt me in my sleep. AND I WELCOME IT! Damn it all.
So I can tell you why I am no longer feeling the female group dynamic, or any group dynamic. I'm tired of the break ups (DANITY KANE!!) and the fading away for no good reason (EVERYONE ELSE!!). And I sit year after year waiting for another album, an album that will never be made.
I remember last year on the BET awards during Alicia Key's performance when she brought out SWV, En Vogue, and TLC (r.i.p. Left-Eye). I was sooooooooo happy about that. To see all those groups still singing together. I had hope again. It revived my faith in groups. Then Danity Kane announced their breakup. I loved me some Danity Kane. I knew every song. I planned to go to one of their concert. I SPENT MONEY ON THEIR ALBUM!! But I was left disappointed because people couldn't get their act together. Maybe I should expect that groups aren't meant to be.
Now its 2009 and I'm back on that same train leading to my destruction of my faith in groups. I opened my heart once more. Two groups fought to get my attention. Electrik Red and Rich Girl.
Let's be clear, I am a fan of the "different." I don't like hearing music that sounds the same as everybody else. So who did I go for? Electrik Red. I know its a stretch for some of you, but I love them. And I love how the lead singer has a un-lead-singer-like voice. She sounds like Kelis. And I love the raspy-ness of it.
On the other side of the spectrum we have Rich Girl. I have a problem with them. For one the lead singer looks and sound just like Beyonce. I don't need another Beyonce in my life. It was a turn off for me. I wasn't the biggest Destiny's Child fan from the jump. It took the last album to get me to be 100% in their corner. I have a feeling that Rich Girl is going to have to struggle hard to stay on my radar. To be honest I have to learn about them, see if they overcame anything.
The verdict: I'm for the underdog. That is Electrik Red.
I love their personalities and I respect their grind, point blank. That's enough to get me to swipe the card. I'll rock with them until the end.
Rich Girl isn't the type of group for me, even though I like the single.
Check out these tracks:
Electrik Red - Friend Lover
Rich Girl - He Ain't With Me Now (Tho)
What do you think?
Posted by Anomaly at 2:46 PM 1 People Listening
Category: Electrik Red Corner